John Logan and Associates, privacy policy

John Logan & Associates respects your right to privacy. We are bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act. This act regulates how we collect, store, use and disclose personal information. We collect, hold and disclose information to third parties for a number of reasons including:

  • To carry out our duties as a Valuer. We may disclose information in relation to property transactions to third parties including but not limited to real estate agents, banks, credit unions, building societies, financiers and other Valuers and professionals associated with this industry.
  • To arrange access to various properties for inspection and valuation purposes.
  • To clarify details in relation to different types of market transactions. John Logan & Associates is a Practice that provides valuations of a wide variety of real estate types including but not limited to residential property, commercial property, industrial property, rural property and other forms of real estate including businesses such as motels, caravan parks etc. We may seek information of such matters as but not limited to sale price, rentals, date of sale, parties to the sale, trading profits, special terms contained within a sale, nature of improvements on the property such as size, type, style, age etc.
  • We use information collected to provide our services to the required professional standard
  • We use information collected for internal business processes such as research etc.
  • We use information where required by law.
  • We use information to keep ourselves and our clients informed of the prevailing conditions of the real estate market.
  • We use information to promote and market services and products which may be of benefit to ourselves, our clients and other persons.
  • We collect personal information from: The individuals themselves through agreement, verbal communication, correspondence and other parties identified by us to the individual which would include banks, building societies, credit unions, other lending institutions, accountants, engineers, solicitors, real estate agents.etc.  From third parties including real estate agents, government departments, commercial databases such as but not limited to RP Data and Property Data Solutions and other publicly available publications such as phone books, electoral roles, etc.

Sensitive Information
Sensitive information would include such information as:

  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Political opinions
  • Membership of a political association
  • Religious beliefs or affiliations
  • Philosophical
  • Membership of a trade union
  • Sexual preferences or practices
  • Criminal record
  • Health

These details are generally not necessary relative to the valuation of property and are matters that would not necessarily be investigated by us in relation to the valuation of your property. Should any of our Valuers, or for that matter, other Valuers, question you on these matters you should clarify the need for such information.

Security of Information
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold about you is not subject to loss, misuse or unauthorised access or alteration. We will also take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if we consider it is no longer required.

Access to Personal Information
You may request access to any personal information we hold about you. In most cases a summary of personal information such as your name and address details, contact telephone numbers and properties valued by us are freely available to you by contacting the Principal.

For more detailed requests for access to personal information a fee may be charged to cover the cost of retrieval and the supply of this information. All requests for access to personal information will be handled as quickly as possible and we shall endeavor to process any request for access within a 30 day period. Some requests for access being more difficult may take longer, depending on the nature of the personal information being sought.

John Logan & Associates may be required by law to retain your personal information for a time after you have ceased your relationship with us. After the required time has passed we attend to the secure destruction or deletion of your personal information.

We may refuse you access to personal information in a number of circumstances such as where the information may relate to existing or anticipated legal proceedings with you, where denying access is required or authorised by law, or where the request for access is regarded as frivolous or vexatious.

If we deny your request for access, or refuse your access to correct your personal information, we will explain why.

If you have any concerns or requests in relation to your privacy please contact the Principal of our office.  We will respond to an enquiry or complaint as promptly as practical.

Policy Updates
Please note that this privacy policy may be updated from time to time.

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